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Yoga workshops

Do Your OM Thing Yoga

​22nd Sept: Moksha (liberation) and Mantra

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth? Join Rosie for an inspiring yoga workshop focused on the profound themes of liberation and mantra. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, everyone is welcome to explore these transformative practices.


Liberation, or moksha, is a fundamental goal in yoga, representing the ultimate freedom from the limitations of the mind and achieving a state of inner peace and enlightenment. Through dedicated yoga practice, individuals can experience personal and spiritual growth, moving closer to this profound state of liberation.


Mantras are sacred sounds or phrases that hold significant spiritual power. They are used in yoga to focus the mind, cultivate positive energy, and connect with the divine. Chanting is an ancient practice and modern studies prove how mantras can help practitioners transcend ordinary consciousness.


Participants in this workshop will engage in a variety of activities designed to deepen their understanding and experience of liberation and mantra. Expect guided meditations, mantra chanting sessions, and insightful discussions. This workshop offers a supportive environment to explore these ancient practices.

Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your yoga practice and embark on a path toward liberation.


Join me and experience the transformative power of mantra in our welcoming community. Let your journey to inner freedom begin here. My workshop will take place on Sunday 22nd September 3.30- 5.30pm at the Float Spa. All levels are welcome to join this transformative experience. Investment £25.


20th October: Kindness and Kriya (cleanse)

An enlightening yoga workshop focused on Kindness and Kriya. This workshop welcomes individuals of all levels, offering a unique opportunity to explore the profound connection between kindness and the ancient practice of Kriya Yoga.

Kindness is a fundamental aspect of yoga, promoting a sense of compassion towards oneself and others. By practicing kindness, we create a positive environment that fosters personal growth and community well-being. Embracing kindness in our yoga practice helps to reduce stress, enhance emotional health, and build stronger relationships.


Kriya yoga is a transformative practice that combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation. Rooted in ancient traditions, kriya yoga aims to purify the mind and body, leading to higher states of consciousness. Incorporating kriya yoga into your daily routine can help improve mental clarity, increase energy levels, and promote inner peace.


Kindness and kriya yoga together create a powerful synergy. While kindness nurtures our external relationships, kriya yoga enhances our inner journey. Practicing both can lead to a balanced and harmonious life, fostering a deeper sense of fulfilment and spiritual growth.


My workshop will take place on Sunday 20th October 3.30- 5.30pm at the Float Spa. All levels are welcome to join this transformative experience. Investment £25



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