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Yoga Pose

I have to be honest….

I’ve been holding back my feelings on something for a while and it’s not healthy…

So I’m just going to come out with it; Classes aren’t long enough. There, I said it! I have the pleasure of connecting with students each week, some of us have been practicing together for two years and some are relatively new to the tribe. Depending on the class, some students have to book their space a week before, others are able to drop in, taking flexible hours at work so they can arrive in time for an evening session. I recognise the effort and commitment students make in order to practice with me and I want to be able to offer more.


About 4 months ago I took a leap of faith and started the Yoga Pose Podcast! I wanted to be able to share more of the benefits of yoga and meditation, and to reach people who aren’t always able to connect with me in person.

I’m also shy (yes I am, no one believes me when I say this) so putting myself out there with a podcast felt like a brave and exciting thing to do. It turns out though podcast is a great medium for me! I have so much to say, I love the sound of my own voice and, from the comments and shares I’ve had, you like it too!

In a recent episode I talked about fear, patterns of tension in the body and how fear makes our life smaller. I see it with students, particualrly new students who head to the back of the class, don't make eye contact or chat after class, they might have a question but don't ask it. So by offering Podcast episodes I'm sharing my story, how mindful movement and breath has brought me to a place of understanding and acceptance. What better #YogaGoal can there be?

The Podcasts are short and easy to digest. Perfect if you don't know your Asana from your elbow. Or think Karma is what happens when things don't go your way. I weave wit, wisdom and personal experience into each episode and share what’s helped me loosen up.

Season 1 of the Yoga Pose Podcast is out on iTunes and SoundCloud. Season 2 starts in September!


I need help from my Do Your OM Thing Yoga Tribe, I can’t do this without you!

Please leave a review and share the episodes. I'd really appreciate it, and I'll mention you on social media.

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