My four week Yoga During Hibernation (I'm not using the L word) Course starts next Wednesday. We'll practice live via zoom 7.30-8.45pm and recordings will be available.
Here's why I think you'll really enjoy practicing at home;
You can be more bold in movement, try things out without being around other people. This is one of the big things I've learned since teaching online, so many students are feeling more confident and playful.
You're free to make sound -you know those really big, liberating exhales?! Go ahead!! You'll be on mute and those exhales are so satisfying. You can also sigh out, make mmmm mmmm cosy sounds when you're in a really relaxing shape.
You can take up more space. No need to worry about encroaching on anyone else.
You'll be able to use all the props you like. Get blankets and cushions ready, so you can be incredibly warm and comfortable throughout.
You're going to coregulate, even through a screen! Whilst we're practicing from our own home, we're still going to feel the benefits of being part of a group.
The course is £35 for all four classes and lifelong access to the recordings. You can share the class with people you live with, or if you live alone, why not invite someone in your support bubble? Send me their email address and I'll give them access. Email me to book your place.