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Asteya: Morality of the Yoga Business

Asteya or 'non stealing' is one of the Yamas. As Yoga teachers we seek to live from a place of abundance; Abundance of inspiration, creativity and confidence, because it's from a place of lack that we fall victim to stealing.

Healthy societies of the past were not plagued by the epidemic of theft that we experience today.


Don’t steal, and be awake to situations where you might be stolen from.

  • Don’t steal sequences or phrases from teachers. I’ve been in a few classes where my moves and phrases are done back to me! -Teacher training courses are different. When I’m assisting on TT courses, the sequences and words are there to be shared.

You'll find your favourite teachers inspire you, and of course if you like something you'll want to share it with students, but best practice is to be inspired, and very much make it your own, find words and phrases that represent you, this will boost your confidence.

  • Don’t steal time; Be on time to your class, prepared and ready to teach and… Don’t run over time! Time is precious, your students have allotted time for practice, and not a minute more.

Arrive at least 15 minutes before your class starts, this gives you time to get set up, and for students to arrive, be welcomed and ask questions. Yoga teachers are often introverts, so the time before and after class can feel awkward... which is why you should give your time to improving your experience of it!

  • Don’t steal from your practice. Keep that separate to being a teacher. A big beginners mistake is using a lead practice as a chance to get ideas, work stuff out. Keep it special and value practice for your own development.

Practice is just for you! Learn to stop working and be disciplined (tapas). We can't teach about 'calming the fluctuations of the mind' if every time you practice you're thinking about students and class plans. It's essential to practice for the love of Yoga!


By applying the Yamas to our business, our work becomes part of the path to enlightenment.

More than just practicing non stealing, can you practice generosity by passing work to other teachers, recommending them and sharing tips.

Navigating the morality of running a Yoga business can be challenging, which is why teachers invest in mentoring sessions with me.


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Thank you, Rosie Pose x

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